Balances available online or in person with Diane

Soul Power Kinesiology
For a full overall revitalization and evaluation of your current emotional and energetic state. Soul Power Kinesiology is a combination of three modalities (colour resonance, touch for health and aura alignment techniques) that help you reconnect on a spiritual level and align energetically to your desired outcome. Assists with confidence, spiritual development and to deal better with everyday challenges. Energetically bringing your body back into alignment for increased vitality.
A consultation consists of:
- Selection of 4 coloured bottles.
- Discussion and awareness of bottle meanings for you.
- Energy and Kinesiology techniques to clear blocks.
- Positive visualization.
- Spiritually connecting to your own inner guidance.
- A complete energetic and emotional balance.
- Finally feel rejuvenated, motivated and positive.
For a more profound experience you can purchase your chosen balancing essence to take home and apply for deeper changes over the following weeks (highly recommended).
- A session lasts 1.5 hours
- Cost $125
- Balancing essence $35

Unicorn 2000 Colour Therapy
This is the consultation for you if you desire an in depth and accurate personalized colour reading. Raise your conscious awareness of your current situation by discussing the qualities and lessons hidden in the individual coloured rays. If you are needing to refocus, find direction in work or in your personal circumstances then a colour reading could be just what you need. 100% insightful.
I use a colour selection system called The Unicorn 2000 Colour Therapy Essences for colour healing and alignment of the energetic systems. These essences are comprised of vibrational energy from nature – consisting of crystals & minerals, plant extracts, essential oils, geometrical form, phonetics, numerology and stellar energy.
They are designed for direct application on the body.Applying your chosen balancing essence over a period of a few weeks, twice daily will help you to develop and attune to the qualities you want to develop.
A consultation consists of:
- In depth discussion of your 4 bottle selections and their position meanings.
- Application of a chakra light essence for better attunement to the reading.
- Discover your own answers ,gifts and solutions through renewed insights.
- Receive a chakra balance/clearing to assist with the conscious awareness you wish to embrace.
- A session lasts 1.5 hour
- Cost $125
- Recommended balancing essence bottle $35 (postage extra)

Nutritional Consultation
Testing for foods and environmental sensitivity.
Vials are placed on the body or held by the client while I muscle test the body for energetic responses.
Easy Kinesiology techniques have been proven to assist the body to become less sensitive to allergens. Improve digestive ability and improve nutritional up take.
Certain vitamins or minerals may be low for those affected by allergies as they are natural antihistamines. Kinesiology testing can identify these very easily.
Check your supplements and foods for an energetic response from your body and discuss any digestive issues you are having.
Good digestion is fundamental to for health and impacts many other aspects of our lives such as……
- Energy levels
- Stress coping responses
- Sleep or skin problems
- Joint health
- Weight
- Hormone balance
- Session will take 1.5 hours
- Nutritional sessions require follow up visits
- Cost $125

Touch for Health Consultation
Pain of any form is a way of your body telling you something is out of balance. This could present itself as emotional stress, digestive disturbances, skin issues or physical discomfort.
Touch for Health is a practical way to access your body structurally, biochemically and emotionally balancing these three aspects creating an optimal healing environment.
Great for recovery from physical trauma,long standing pain,sports injury,accidents and to improve recovery time. Generally clients feel relaxed and more present with reduced pain.
A consultation consists of :
- Assessment of your posture,energy,stress and pain
- 14 or 42 muscle balancing procedure
- Emotional stress release techniques
- Goal setting for achieving positive mindset.
- Mapping of energy blocks
- Meridian work for vitality or long standing pain
- Re assess and improvements noticed
- Identify any maintenance required for ongoing support
- Session is 1.5 hours
- Cost $125
“Diane is an awesome practitioner. I’ve had the blessing of receiving a treatment while on a flash visit to NZ and I highly recommend her. Some of the qualities I look for when I’m seeking help are compassion, emotional safety, reassurance, respect and Integrity. Diane offers these qualities to the highest degree. She assists you to choose your plan to fulfill your dreams, goals and values. To anyone who hasn’t tried kinesiology yet you don’t know what you are missing. Our bodies are storing all our hopes and dreams and kinesiology can help us to access them and remove blockages preventing us from realising them It is a life changing modality and Diane can assist you to reach those changes you’ve longed for.”
– Helen F, Brisbane
“I met Diane 5 years ago when I was looking for a natural treatment for my 7 year old daughter. She had been experiencing night terrors which was frightening for my daughter and the rest of the family. After talking to Diane she suggested a consultation. After one treatment the night terrors stopped straight away. One year later we ended up with a similar problem, but I had no hesitation in contacting Diane again. Diane was able to connect both events with a situation at school involving bullying. After giving my daughter some tools to protect herself emotionally in any future situations the nightmares have gone altogether.”
– Karen K, Tauranga